You've Been Lie To.

Are you aware that you’ve been lied to your entire life? That you’ve been lied to on what real health is. What wellness really is. On how to live. About who you are…

What if I told you the healthcare industry is knowingly making and keeping you ill, numb, dependent on the system, relying on insurance, on pharmaceuticals. (Speaking of pharmaceuticals…. do you know how they’re made, or what is in them?)

It’s a vicious cycle really, one most aren’t open enough to realize let alone escape. Most don’t escape. It’s been designed that way from the beginning. Designed to keep you trapped in their system. Sick and dependent.

Don’t believe me? Well, let’s keep going.

John D. Rockefeller

In the early 1900s John D Rockefeller and crew got together and decided to change the definition and meaning of medicine and healing. Rockefeller, considered the wealthiest American in history, got his riches by securing a monopoly on America’s oil market. He decided to then capitalize on the healthcare model as well by changing medicine from plant made to medicine made from byproducts of the oil refinement process.

Sounds healthy doesn’t it?

  • Read more about this here

  • Read their book length report, “Medical Education In the United States & Canada” also known as the Flexner Report read here

There was a slight problem though, holistic care was heavily relied upon in America at this time. Holistic healing was used throughout the world for centuries. Read this link for a brief history of herbalism.


During this time, a smear campaign was devised against natural healing modalities. This propaganda directed and shaped the modern medical establishment we have today.

Homeopathy and natural remedies were slandered and demonized and few were imprisoned.

To guide the transition and change the minds of other doctors and scientists, Rockefeller donated more than $ 100 million to colleges and hospitals and set up a charity called the General Education Council (GEB). This is the classic carrot and whip approach.

In a very short time, all medical colleges worked and acted in a coordinated and uniform manner. All students learned the same thing, and medicine was limited to the use of patented antitrust drugs.

Scientists received huge grants to study how plants cure disease, but their goal was to first identify which chemicals in the plant were effective and then recreate a similar chemical – but not identical – in the lab that could be patented.

A pill for every patient became the mantra of modern medicine.


Today’s Rockefeller medicine is emergency medicine. It’s symptom suppression, it’s not real health. Real health is treating the whole person with food & nutrients, herbs, & lifestyle changes.

Before modern medicine, we had healers who could diagnose illness by looking at the color, shape and tone of your tongue, by feeling your pulse, with the use of medical astrology and your birth chart. We had healers that new exactly what herb you needed to rebalance your body, to move stagnant blood or tone certain organs. Not only did we have healers that were extremely connected to the body and nature, but most people knew the basics of herbal medicine, and how to take care of themselves.

Do you think most doctors today are fully capable of diagnosing illness? I’d suggest you ask anyone suffering from Lyme, a chronic disease, or an autoimmune condition.

What if I told you that today, 80% of the world is still using plant medicine and “alternative” healing methods for their health and wellness. Are you aware that America is considered an unhealthy country? That most of the people are obese, diagnosed with heart disease, auto immune conditions, cancer, diabetes, and so on….


The lies don’t stop at the medical industry:

  • You’re being lied to about what is in your food.

  • You’re being lied to about what is in your cosmetics.

  • You’re being lied to about what is in your cleaning products, your furniture, your mass produced clothing.

  • You’re being lied to about what is in your drinking water, in the air you breath, what’s being sprayed in the sky, what’s being injected into your body, into your children’s body for “immunity”.

  • You’re being lied to about farming, the consumption of animal products.

  • You’re being lied to about nutrition.

  • You’re being liked to about pretty much everything.

Most things that are commonly known to be the truth…. are utter bullshit.

Do a little research.

On what? It depends on how far you want to go… start slow and light, it gets intense.

Some of these are bogus, but there are some topics on here you need to know about.

Some topics in the image above are bogus, but there are some you really need to know about if you don’t already.

I know that some have decided to dismiss this write up before reading to the end, but here you are finishing up my rant. Thanks for keeping an open mind.


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