Taking Back Your Health

We’ve all been there before, at the crossroads of where we are and where we want to be. Most succumb to complacency, but there are those who have the tenacity to endure what it takes to make the changes necessary to progress forward.

So you want to change. Awesome. Are you committed to actually making the changes you desire?

If you want to lose weight, it’s not merely about calorie deficits and diets.
If you want to avoid toxins, it’s not simply about buying products labeled “organic”.
If you want to be healthier overall, you need to do more than just run a mile per day, or do a few power squats.

It’s about adjusting your mindset and lifestyle. It’s about self discipline, and having the desire to learn, grow and be better a little bit each day.

Working with clients, I see this a lot. People complain and ask why they aren’t losing weight yet in a particular program, yet upon asking them about their lifestyle, it’s clear they have yet to do the hard work. Signing up for a program isn’t a cure all — there’s a lot of work to be done on an individual level.

No matter how many diets you go on, when said diet comes to an end, most are back where they started before long. Adopting a different lifestyle will set you up for success now and in the future. Changing your mindset will set you up for success not just in the health and wellness department, but in life itself. You have to commit to doing the thing you don't want to do in order to get to where you want to be. You have to give up the things that are holding you back. Cut them out of your life and replace with something better. It’s really that simple.

Make the commitment and stick to it. You’re the only one standing in your way.


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